Saturday, December 1, 2012

Divers free tangled Whale Shark

               Not many people can say they swam with whale sharks but even fewer can say they rescued one. On Saturday, November 7th, a group of divers near Socorro Island, Mexico, spotted a whale shark tangled in rope. When they encountered the distressed animal again later in the day, they made the decision to cut it free and quickly set to work at removing the rope. Whale sharks are the largest fish in the sea, reaching lengths of 40 feet or more and feed mostly on plankton and small fish. These gentle giants prefer the warm waters that the tropical seas provide and are popular diving attractions because of their docile nature. They are currently listed as a vulnerable species and still hunted in parts of the world. Any kind of protection or aid, such as the help these divers gave the injured whale shark, is greatly appreciated. It also illustrates that good Samaritans can even be found underwater. 

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