Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lake McConaughy Drying up

A drive across the great state of Nebraska would not be complete without a stop at Lake McConaughy or Big Mac. I have very fond memories making trips to the lake during the dog days of summer. As a kid I remember trying to look across the lake with no success. It was water as far as the eye could see. Nowadays that is not the case.

The lake today is at 82.4 precent capacity and is falling at a relatively quick rate. The lake inlets are bringing 500 cubic feet per second into the lake, while the lake is releasing 800 cubic feet per second to meet the downstream needs. Needless to say the lake levels will continue to go down. We can only hope for a large snow pack in the rocky mountains to recharge the lake back to its capacity.

The drought has effected all of our everyday lives. I hope that the lake can get back to its massive state of yesteryear!

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