Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Getting over the ick factor

Michael Lewis                                                                                                                                                                               NERS 260

Getting over the ick factor

During this drought the city of Lincoln had to issue 80 tickets in one day to people who were wasting water. Wasting water is a concern because the city of Lincoln has to compete with Frames for water putting a demand on the supply and requiring intensive management so everyone has enough. This problem of water scarcity is not going away in fact it could only get worse in this new area of climate change.

             Yet this problem actually has a solution that does not require a new federal agency nor a massive shift in wealth or life style from Lincoln residents. The solution is that we have to drink more of our waste water. EPA regulations already require that cities treat waste water until it is at drinking water quality. What Lincoln has to do now is stop discharging water that is treated into Slat creek. Since the city has to pay to treat the water regardless, the cost might as well be recouped by capturing the water. To do that Lincoln just has to connect the treated water back into drinking water lines.

            The reason that this cost effective method of water management has not been implemented already is because of the ick factor. The ick factor is a knee-jerk reaction to the thought of drinking waste water. Are we going to let this knee-jerk reaction keep us from saving money and alleviating the challenge of water scarcity? We are already drinking the waste water of the cities that are up stream of us.

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