Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Wild Side of Volunteering

Not many people can say they have ever held a giant African millipede, a whip scorpion, or a boa constrictor. Fortunately for me, I was lucky enough to do this every week while volunteering at Lincoln Children’s Zoo. Being a Fisheries and Wildlife major and having a love for wildlife, it was the perfect place to volunteer. I worked with zoo staff in the exhibit called The Hive to help get kids excited about wildlife and the natural world around them.

The Hive houses the creepy crawlers like insects, spiders, and reptiles. I was given the privilege to handle some these critters while volunteering. My favorite animals to hold were the giant African millipedes and the boa constrictor. My least favorite was the hissing cockroaches. They would hiss and run around frantically around their tank. It freaked me out and I cringed every time I had to touch one. An especially horrible experience with a cockroach was when a feisty one jumped off of my hand into a gaggle of hesitant girls. They ran screaming into a huddle on the opposite side of the room. No animals or humans were harmed, but it was traumatizing for both me and those little girls.

  When the animals decided to cooperate, I would let the kids observe and touch them while I explained a little bit about each of them. It was entertaining watching the different reactions the kids would have to the animals. Some were squeamish around the critters, while others could not wait to get their hands on them and learn. It was truly gratifying to see a child get excited about wildlife.

Volunteering at Lincoln Children’s Zoo was a roaring good time. I highly suggest for those who share my passion for wildlife seek opportunities to get involved in their community that involve kids and wildlife. It can be an extremely gratifying experience.

            If interested in getting involved, a great resource for UNL students is the Center for Civic Engagement on the second floor of the City campus union. You can also find information at their website:     

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