Sunday, September 30, 2012

Living Green

Live Green!
Riley Russell                                                                                                   NRES 260

As we are in the thick of living green many people out there still don’t! Maybe because they do not think they are making that big of an impact, having the attitude “This one piece of trash won’t hurt anything.” The truth, it does. One person may not think they have a big impact but if everyone lives a little greener we can make this world a better place for ourselves and our future. While many people may not think the little things matter, they can matter if we are adamant about it.
            Being green can be as easy as turning a light off when you leave the room or having the dishwasher full when washing dishes. Simple things like this can make a big impact if we all join together. Some people like to help out more (volunteering to clean roadsides, or helping clean oil spills) but I know many people out there are to busy for things like that.
            How can the busy people of the world help? Easy!
·      Turn your lights of when you leave the room.
·      Turn the water off while brushing your teeth, until you rinse.
·      Make sure the dishwasher is full before running it.
·      Have your windows and doors checked for air loss.
·      Print on both sides of the paper.
·      Put your computer on sleep mode if you’re away for a while.
·      Buy reusable bags for grocery shopping instead of plastic or paper.
·      Buy a reusable water bottle instead of buying plastic water bottles.
·      Go to your local farmers market for fresh food instead of the chain stores.
·      Organize a recycling spot in your garage.
By doing these things we can ensure a better future. This list may seem long to some people but all this things can be done without taking any extra time from our day. If we all are a little more conscious about how we are living we can make a big impact!

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