Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fires Destroying Land and Hunting Opportunities
By: Nick Jenkins

The recent drought in Nebraska has created wild fires throughout the state.  Fires are starting from things as simple as a cigarette bud to hot exhaust pipes on combines.  With the entire state being so dry, the fires have not been easy to put out.

"Nine fires from mid-June to mid-October burned 271,514 acres, the equivalent of 424 square miles, in places from the Niobrara River Valley east of Valentine to Hay Springs, Chadron, Crookston, Crawford and Hemingford in the west (Kearneyhub.com)".  

There are a couple things that would help prevent wildfires while out hunting.  The first of these is walking the majority of your hunt.  Mapping out your hunt a head of time will limit your driving to prevent your vehicle from starting wildfires.

The second of these things to prevent fires is picking up your shell casings after shooting your weapon.  A shell or cartridge that has just been projected from a shotgun or rifle is very hot.  By picking them up with your gloves, and placing them in your pocket, wildfires can be prevented.

Droughts are something that come and go regularly here in Nebraska.  This does not mean that we have to postpone the activities that we enjoy.  If the proper and careful steps are taken, an activity such as hunting can still be enjoyed during these harsh, drought conditions.

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