Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Solar Roadways

By: Ty Cope
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Solar roadways are a revolutionary idea that is being researched by Scott Brusaw, they are based on the need to find an alternative to asphalt. This is being achieved by making a new type of roadway made up of thousands of little solar panels and led screens. The idea is to make a road that will pay for itself by generating electricity and sending it back to the consumers for use. Based on some of his research if we replaced the existing roads in the U.S. we could make over triple the power that is currently being consumed with a type of renewable energy.
            The really remarkable aspect of the roadways is that they are being made of glass. This glass will have all of the same physical properties of asphalt but with the added feature of solar panels and LED lights. The LED lights are able to spell out words that would generally be put onto signs. The scientist have also looked into making smaller panels to be used in crosswalks that could sense when people are crossing the road and warn drivers of their presence.
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