Tuesday, October 23, 2012


By: Riley Russell

            The twitter-verse has exploded with complaints about problems only people who live in first world countries could have. They span from “my internet won’t work when all the TV’s are on,” to “forgot to bring my phone to the bathroom”. These tweeters do not understand how problems in America do not come close to problems many other countries are facing. Many people who make these comments are now seeing their humorous comments revamped to form a film of awareness. WATERisLIFE, a nonprofit organization, has figured out a way to change our countries attitude and help out those less fortunate then us. They have made a video that really hits home to those who have made public humor with so-called first world problems.
The nonprofit organization aims to bring clean water to developing countries in need. According to the UNICEF, lack of safe drinking water is the largest cause of illness in the world. WATERisLIFE claims that 6,500 people a day will die from waterborne disease. These are some very worrisome facts that those of us in the “first world” can have a big impact on. More than 1.7 million people have already seen the viral video and they seem to be extremely affected by it. The video creates guilt for all who have never had to worry about clean water, shelter and food. It raises awareness of some of the poorest countries and what can be done to help. There are many options people of first world countries have to help. They can simply donate money, help make filtration units less expensive for each household, and continue to spread the word about basic need problems.
What started off as a use social media to spread fortunate people’s humor, turned into a lesson to raise awareness with those who have nothing. What will you do to help? Will you stick to tweeting about your lost phone charger, or donate and raise awareness about the real problems the world is facing?

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