Thursday, October 18, 2012

Have stress? Go outside!

Recent studies show that views or interaction with natural landscapes can improve the health of patients in hospitals. According to Ruth Raanaas, Gret Patili, and Terry Hartig's article, "Health benefits of a view of nature through the window: a quasiexperimental study of patients in a residential rehabilitation center," patients involved with the natural world had a dramatic difference in the progress of their recovery than those with plain walls or brick walls. The discovery has encouraged the idea that nature provides health benefits to people.

The study shows how patients with a view of nature were distracted from the negative emotions and instead evoked positive emotions. Stress levels in patients with views of natural elements were down and those patients were able to manage their pain easier. Nurses had less complaints and issues with those patients as well. Nature imagery proves to make the biggest impact on patient health.
Other studies examine how outdoor gardens in hospitals benefit the patients who get involved.  Being able to tend to plants appears to soothe patients and allow them to experience positive emotions.
Psychiatrists believe that being able to work with plants and watch their major accomplishments over a period of time, makes patients believe that they can heal in a similar way.  The comparisions between the plant progress and the patient recovery correlates in a positive manner, with both succeeding.
Encouraging natural environments in hospitals, businesses, and public places would be a great idea. It would allow for healthier working conditions, as well as increase the health of all those involved. Personally, I believe it deserves more attention and gives people the incentive to promote environmental conservation and preservation.



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